Joshua Martin

Joshua Martin

Joshua Martin

Cohort '25


Josh Martin is a biologist whose research expertise lies in neuroethology and biomechanics, which investigates how brains control bodies to pursue goals. Much of his recent research has involved live mantis colonies, though he creatively pivoted in recent years to a project on locally captured dragonflies when the pandemic forced him to shut down his mantis colony. He has two important recent papers: the first documents the discovery of a new mantis sensory organ, while the second uses machine-learning techniques to examine how mantis limb morphology is related to predation. In 2019 he received a grant from the Alden Trust to equip a 3D imaging lab at Colby, which has benefitted several departments and numerous faculty and students. Martin earned his Ph.D. in neuroscience at the University of Arizona and a B.S. in psychology and biology at The Ohio State University.

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